Our Most Powerful Strength… Yet Gentle Enough for 80 Year Olds!

A research study at the University of Michigan tested retinol lotions on 36 elderly, healthy people… most around the age of 80. After six months of applying retinol lotion on a small area on their upper arms, results showed considerable decrease in fine lines and wrinkles. However, even more interesting is how quickly effects decreased upon discontinuing use of the lotions.

Now consider the skin of the elderly for a minute…
It’s thinner. Looser. Usually dryer. If these retinol lotions can effect and improve the skin of 80 year olds, imagine what it can do for younger skin…

Mind you, our .50 retinol lotion is an advanced strength and only for those who have worked up to that level. Any “retinol rookies” need to begin with a .10% strength to ensure skin safety and minimal irritation.
